Contact stats inside campaigns on Hexospark

Hexospark Updates – Granular contact stats inside campaigns

Stats speak louder than words.

With this in mind, we have made a huge improvement to our email campaign reporting 💥.

In particular, you can now view granular statistics for each contact inside your campaigns, including:

🌟 Which step of your sequence they are on

🌟 How many emails they have opened, clicked, or replied

🌟 Their status in your pipeline CRM

Next, we have made further improvements to our unified inbox including:

🌟Displaying the number of emails in each thread.

🌟Message filters based on their read/unread status.

🌟You can now preview the latest email received from a thread.

These new improvements will make it much more convenient to manage multiple inboxes in one central location and identify how prospects are interacting inside your email campaigns.

You can find the updates in your dashboard.

Personalize emails, automate inbound follow-ups, and grow your sales by nurturing relationships in one centralized platform.

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